Category Archives: News

Leaders UNITE COVID-19 update

Hello everyone! We hope that you are all staying safe during this time. As some of you might already know, all Leaders UNITE volunteer locations are currently closed due to precautions taken by the state for the COVID-19 pandemic. These volunteer locations will be closed indefinitely, and we will post another update on our website when we are allowed to begin our sessions again.

Although we are not doing our regular Leaders UNITE volunteer sessions right now, you can still be involved with Leaders UNITE by participating in our YAS (You are Special) movement. We know that many people are feeling stressed during this time, so taking a moment to send them a YAS card, or writing a YAS confession about them could truly bring a smile to their faces! To learn more about our YAS movement, you can check out the “You are Special” tab on our website.

If you are interested in being involved with Leaders UNITE volunteering remotely, please let us know. We are still planning for the 2020-2021 school year as well, so if you are interested in creating a branch of Leaders UNITE at your school or library for the upcoming school year, do not hesitate to reach out to us! We look forward to seeing everyone back at our volunteer locations in the future!

You are Special (YAS) on Leaders UNITE instagram page

We kicked off our Fall YAS initiative a few weeks ago at the International Preschool of Raleigh by doing our YAS (You are Special) activity, where students made You are Special cards for their classmates and celebrated their classmates’ unique qualities. This week, we are doing our first online YAS campaign of Fall 2019! We posted this EdWordle on our Instagram page showing a few (of many) words you could use to tell someone that they are special. Feel free to use these words as an inspiration to tell others why they are special to you!

Like our post on instagram to receive a YAS (You are Special) shoutout from Leaders UNITE!

You are Special


Leaders UNITE: leaders in recycling!

Today for Leaders UNITE at the International Preschool of Raleigh, students became leaders in recycling! The school plans to get some recycling bins soon, and today, Leaders UNITE students learned what it means to recycle. Students then created a rule list for recycling to paste in school for all of their other friends to learn about recycling. Students then made a supply list of things they want to recycle at school, so that teachers could go shopping for different types of recycling bins for their school. The first pictures shows their recycling rules list. The second picture shows the rule list alongside some of the students’ drawings of recyclables (paper, newspaper, glass bottles, recycling bins) and some animals that can be saved when we recycle!

Great job being leaders in the community, students!

IPR recycling initiative

IPR recycling initiative 2

Leaders UNITE flyers at Southwest Regional Library!

Last week at our visit to Southwest Regional Library, we were so excited to see Leaders UNITE flyers up at the front of the library! It was exciting to see Leaders UNITE as a regular activity at this library, and to see the flyer we made last year alongside other fun library activities. Some people even heard about the club from these flyers, so that was great!


The 2019-2020 Leaders UNITE program begins today at North Regional Library

The 2019-2020 school year of Leaders UNITE began at North Regional library today! We are excited to partner with North Regional Library for a second year in a row, and we were excited to meet many new faces at the library today. This is one of our locations that we will blog about this school year, so stay tuned for reflections and news from this location!

Leaders UNITE North Library



Leaders UNITE begins at the International Preschool of Raleigh and its partner schools in China!

Leaders UNITE is happy to announce that we have added a new school to our club: the International Preschool of Raleigh! We are excited to bring the club to this preschool, where students will learn about the qualities of leadership and teamwork through hands-on activities. Leaders UNITE will also begin at the school’s partner locations in Beijing, China. We are extremely excited to expand Leaders UNITE to more schools both locally and globally. The first year of Leaders UNITE at this school will be blogged about on the club website, so stay tuned for more details about Leaders UNITE at this school!

Spring Volunteering is Underway!

Hi Leaders UNITE! Our spring volunteering is now underway! We are excited to be partnering with many groups, including: Durham Nativity School, North Regional Library, Southwest Regional Library, and East Regional Library. We have a great set of volunteers from Duke University who are ready to learn with all of you! We look forward to another great semester of volunteering and we can’t wait to meet all of participants!

If you would like to be a Leaders UNITE volunteer or add your school/location to our list of partner schools, contact us at to get started!

Duke Activities Fair- A Success!

Thank you to everyone that came out to see Leaders UNITE at the Duke Activities Fair last week! We loved hearing all of your questions and seeing so many students interested in our club. If you missed us at the activities fair, don’t worry- there are still plenty of opportunities to join the club and to get your questions answered. Duke students: stay tuned for an email from your exec board providing information about an upcoming interest meeting. Everyone else: there is still time to start a branch of Leaders UNITE at your own school for the upcoming school year. Check out our Activities Fair poster for some general information about the club:

leaders unite activities fair